Become a retailer
Thank you for your interest in Brook Isle. We would love for you to join the Brook Isle family! With an online Retailer account, you can seamlessly shop for a wide range of incredible, quality products. Complete the form below and provide all requested information to expedite your account application.
Order minimum is $150. Orders typically ship within 3–5 business days. Please add 1–2 weeks turnaround during high volume times and the holiday season. All products are to be purchased for resale only. Our products must be sold in the original packaging and are not to be resold on third party marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay, or Etsy. We reserve the right to terminate any wholesale account that is
in violation of these terms.
All sales are final. We will replace damaged items if reported within 48 hours of receipt. Please email photos of damaged items to hello@brookisleco.com. Please be sure to reach out before returning anything. We are not responsible for damages caused by the shipping carrier.
Brook Isle will try to be sensitive to each retailer’s shopping territory, but we cannot guarantee exclusivity. By placing an order with Brook Isle, you hereby understand and agree to abide by all policies set forth in this agreement. The terms are subject to change at any time. We reserve the right to refuse any wholesale order for any reason.